Studies on gender equity in the educational context: a systematic review 2017 – 2022

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Sergio Lizana-Campos
Flor Gaete-Lisboa



Objective: To determine the methodological characteristics and identify the techniques for measuring gender equity in the school gender equity in the school environment.

Methodology: A systematic review was systematic review was carried out. The Scielo and Scopus databases were used. Studies were included between the years 2017-2022. These studies were carried out in Spain and in some South American countries and are published in Spanish language. The keywords used were: gender, education, gender equity, gender equality, school context. Gender equity studies in non-educational settings were excluded.

Results: Most of the articles were published between 2020 and 2022 (n=10), all published in different journals, almost all in Spanish (n=15) and mostly in Spain (n=9). The ages considered in the samples were from 12 to 55 years, one article mentions that the age is higher than 20 years and in the remaining five articles do not refer to ages, but to characteristics of which age could be lower, such as high school students (n=1), university students (n=3) and teachers (n=1). In fifteen of the sixteen the sample considered both genders and one, only women. Most of the studies are descriptive (n=5) and cross-sectional (n=3).

Conclusion: The study showed the need to carry out studies on gender equity in the school context in order to understand the students' training processes and teaching practices. This information can direct education towards the consolidation and internalization of real equality.

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How to Cite
Lizana-Campos, S., & Gaete-Lisboa, F. (2025). Studies on gender equity in the educational context: a systematic review 2017 – 2022. Revista De Ciencias De La educación E inclusión, 1(1), 23–32. Retrieved from