Relationship between attitude toward mathematics and academic achievement in adolescents.

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Fabián Andrés Sanhueza Vásquez
Diego Enrique Navarro Salazar
José Luis Leyton Contreras
Hernán Parra Fica
Rossana Gómez Campos



Objectives: a) to verify the differences in attitude towards mathematics and mathematics achievement and b) to determine if there is a relationship between attitude and mathematics achievement by gender and type of school.

Methodology: A descriptive correlational study was carried out in 164 students from two schools (89 males and 75 females). The age range ranged from 11 to 15 years old. A mathematics attitude scale was applied and the mathematics grade register was used.

Results: The results indicate that the students from the municipal school had a better attitude and mathematics score than the students from the private (subsidized) school. There was a positive relationship between attitude and mathematics performance by school and gender. Values ranged from r=0.40 to 0.72, p<0.05).

Conclusion: The results suggest that a better attitude leads to better performance in mathematics among the students studied.

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How to Cite
Sanhueza Vásquez, F. A., Navarro Salazar, D. E., Leyton Contreras, J. L., ui, Parra Fica, H., & Gómez Campos, R. (2024). Relationship between attitude toward mathematics and academic achievement in adolescents. Revista De Ciencias De La educación E inclusión, 1(1), 5–14. Retrieved from